Sunday, June 12, 2022

Clarkia amoena seed,plants

Clarkia amoena (farewell to spring or godetia; syn. Godetia amoena) is a flowering plant native to western North America, found in coastal hills and mountains from British Columbia south to the San Francisco Bay Area.
Clarkia amoena seeds in Kashmir
Availability : 50 seeds pkt
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Alliaria petiolata,garlic mustard seeds,india 20 seeds pkt

Alliaria petiolata, or garlic mustardایلیریا پیٹیولاٹا,is a biennial flowering plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae). It is native to Europe, western and central Asia, north-western Africa, Morocco, KashmirIberia and the British Isles, north to northern Scandinavia, and east to northern Pakistan and Xinjiang in western China.
garlic mustard seeds

Availability : Plant/Seeds
WhatsApp 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Mentha spicata seed,plant & leafs

Spearmint, (Mentha spicata) is an aromatic herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), widely used for culinary purposes. Best grown in a pot as it spreads rampantly. One of the best mints for flavor. Use flowers and leaves fresh or dried in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, ice creams, lamb dishes, and mint sauce.
Mentha spicata seeds
Available : Seed/plant
WhatsApp 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

The Power of Saussurea costus: Exploring Its Role in Prostate diseases

Saussurea costus roots reduced hormone levels and restored the thickness of prostate  epithelial in prostate tissue of BPH-induced rats.  S...