Monday, July 13, 2020

Family: Ginkgoaceae
Urdu : Pankha Plant
Hindi : Bulkawari
Kashmiri : Aziz tree
Arabic: Mabad ag
Botanical Information : Ginkgo biloba L., commonly called ginkgo or maidenhair tree, is a long-lived, deciduous, shade tree from China  that can reach a mature height over one hundred feet and is the only genus and species of the Ginkgoaceae family existing today. Know for its three-inch wide, fan-shaped leaves that turn golden yellow in autumn, the ginkgo tree can be found also It is found in  Kashmir , Gilgat, IRAN, Afghanistan and North America and is one of oldest species of trees in existence today. Individual ginkgo trees have been known to live as long as 1,000 years. The trees, which are dioecious (bearing male flowers on one tree and female flowers on another), may not flower until they are twenty to thirty years old. The female trees produce a one to one-half-inch, plum-shaped, orange fruit. It is the leaves that are harvested for medicinal purposes.

Availability : 100,250,500 seeds pkt/ tree seedling of ginkgo also available
More details:
M: 09858986794/09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705

Elderberry fruit trees in Kashmir

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