Monday, January 11, 2021

Dong quai-Angelica sinensis plants in Kashmir

Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), also known as Dang Gui, is an herb native to China, Japan, Kashmir, Iran, Pakistan and Korea. A member of the celery family, it's long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Since dong quai (specifically, the root) is rich in compounds with anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effects, it is said to aid in treating a host of issues, from allergies and constipation to high blood pressure and more.
Since it's thought to have a balancing effect on the female hormonal system, dong quai is sometimes referred to as "female ginseng" or "female viagra."

Availability: Plant,Root,Tea,Seeds

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction CentrePOB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Ph: (Resi) 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794/09419966983
Whatsaap : 9858986794
e-mail: ,

The Power of Saussurea costus: Exploring Its Role in Prostate diseases

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