Saturday, September 17, 2022

What does mullein do when you smoke it ?

Verbascum thapsus-Mullein is a fine medicinal for the lungs, even when you smoke it. It soothes inflamed or infected lungs and prevents coughing until infection or inflammation is broken. Then it aids in expectoration, helping to break up congestion and promote “effective” coughing.
Grow Mullein/Buy Mullein 

WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Nettle roots-Urtica dioica and health benefits

Nettle roots
Urtica dioica has traditionally been used in the control of cardiovascular disorders especially hypertension. The leaf extract of Urtica dioica has been reported to improve glucose homeostasis in vivo. Nettle root could prevent some of the effects of prostatic hyperplasia.

Lots of questions about nettle root

So here’s a quick rundown…
Nettle root binds to SHBG, the agent that locks up…
Your testosterone so your body can’t use it.
 In essence, nettle releases bound  testosterone….
And increases bio-active Free Test levels.
And more Free Test means more muscle, more energy…
My drive, more horizontal mojo.
Nettle root prevents hormonal  hair loss.
It accomplishes this by blocking the conversion of DHT…
Into harmful estrogen metabolites
that cause MPB.
As a quick side note…
If you’re using DHEA and losing  hair as a side effect…
Nettle will prevent the hairloss in  most cases.
Nettle is excellent for the prostate.
It’s been the go to treatment in europe
for decades…
For enlarged prostate, frequent urination, post urination dripping…
And blocking the constant urge to pee, especially at night.
If you decide to start cycling nettle root…
You’re going to have to do some self  testing…
To find Your optimal dose.
Clues that you’ve got it right are harder muscles…
Elevated mood and energy levels.
More drive to breed, rapid urine release…
And less hair floating around on  your computer keyboard.
Clues that you need to tap down the dose a bit are…
-Reduced drive to breed
-Feeling less muscular
-A drop in drive or energy
For me, this works out two doses per week…
Always taken…
 On days when using my most potent androgenic herbs…
 In order to block...
 The conversion of androgens into estrogens.
Here are just a few of the other components you’ll get from nettle root.

The recommended dose of nettle root tincture is 1/2-1 tsp twice per day. With a 75-gram bag, this will last for 30 or 15 days.

Availability : WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob : 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Sage hair benefits

Sage-Salvia officinalis

Sage is a great natural remedy to darken your hair. A tea infusion made with sage leaves and rubbed into the scalp is all you need to do to cover any grey strands. ...

Sage is also said to be highly beneficial in alopecia and thinning hair. The natural oils in sage strengthen the roots and stimulate healthy hair growth.

Availability of  Sage herb/Sage seeds

Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001
Mob: 09858986794/09419966983
Ph: 01933-223705

Elderberry fruit trees in Kashmir

Elderberry trees are  deciduous shrubs or small trees that can grow up to 20 feet tall and wide .  They are a variety of the Sambucus tree,...