Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pyrethrum seeds for sale

Pyrethrum seeds
Tanacetum cinerariifolium is a species of flowering plant in the aster family, Asteraceae, and formerly part of the genus Pyrethrum, but now placed in the genus Chrysanthemum, or the genus Tanacetum by some biologists. It is called the Dalmatian chrysanthemum, denoting its origin in that region of the Balkans.

Availability of seeds
250/500/1000 seeds Pkt's

Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB: 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

Ph: (Resi) 01933-223705
Mob: 09858986794/09419966983

Unveiling the Power of Hindukush Shilajit: Nature's Ancient Elixir for Health and Vitality

Hindukush Shilajit   is a natural  mineral  resin found in the rocks of the Hindukush mountain range. This range, spanning parts of Afghanis...