Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ulmus wallichiana Kashmir

Ulmus wallichiana tree-Cashmerian elm
Ulmus wallichiana Planch., the 
Himalayan elm, also known as the 
Cashmirian elm
and Bhutan elm, is a 
mountain tree 
ranging from central 
Nuristan in  
Afghanistan, through 
northern Pakistan and 
northern India to western 
Nepal at elevations of 
800–3000 m. 
Although dissimilar in 
appearance, its common name is 
occasionally used in 
error for the cherry bark 
elm Ulmus villosa, 
which is also endemic to the Kashmir
but inhabits 
the valleys, not the mountain slopes. 
The species is closely related to the 
wych elm U. glabra.

50 seeds (Pkt)
Availability of Ulmus wallichiana tree seeds
Mail us :
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

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