Thursday, September 10, 2020

Inula racemosa seeds for sale

Poshkarmool roots
Inula racemosa-Poshkar Mool  انولا ریسوموسا ) 
is an Asian plant in the daisy family native to 
the temperate and alpine western Himalayas 
of Xinjiang, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Nepal, 
Pakistan. The roots are widely used locally
 in indigenous medicine as an expectorant 
and in veterinary medicine as a tonic.

Inula racemosa-Pushkarmool is a very useful 
Ayurvedic herb, used in the treatment of 

Buy Inula racemosa seed/plant/roots

Mob: 09858986794/9419966983
WhatsAap : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
Address: Jammu & Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre
POB 667 GPO Srinagar SGR JK 190001

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