Friday, January 21, 2022

Pecan nuts price per kg in india

Health Benefits. Raw pecans pack a 1-2-3 punch of protein, healthy fats, and fiber that can help keep you energized and satisfied. Pecans are a good source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which help lower blood pressure. Most of the fat found in pecans is a healthy type called monounsaturated fat.
Availability : Organic Fruit,seed and planting material
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

The Power of Saussurea costus: Exploring Its Role in Prostate diseases

Saussurea costus roots reduced hormone levels and restored the thickness of prostate  epithelial in prostate tissue of BPH-induced rats.  S...