Thursday, July 14, 2022

Jam,Jelly, Marmalades and fruit plants,kashmir

Fruit jams, berries jams, Squashes & Cocktail
Howthorn Jam Kashmir
Jam, Jelly, Juice & squash are made from fruits and these are food items. This foodprocessing industry has thus far developed as a demand – based industry and hence only about 1.5 percent of fruits of the country is processed so far. If promoted as a local resource based industry its growth may be much larger especially because of fast increase in export. India is second to only Brazil in fruit production. In fruit and vegetable production India can boast of not only the quantity but also variety. Besides, the country is get to exploit large part of horticultural land in the form of hill slopes. Transport, storage and processing are the needs for fruit and vegetable, production in the country. At present about 40 percent of Indian horticultural produces go waste due to lack of these facilities. Fruits can be processed to produce juice squash Jam, Jelly and Marmalades. Jam jelly making is simply a profitable business. In addition, you can initiate the business as a small scale with low capital investment. Food processing industry has started receiving a great deal of attention from the policy makers. The current industrial policy in food processing is also favourable for food processing industry. India is the 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world, and the food processing sector in the country is expected to double in the next decade. The ever-growing consumer demands have opened up huge investment opportunities for foreign and private entities in the food processing industry currently.

Generally, jam and jelly from almost every type of fruit and some vegetables. Fruit jam contains rich fruit pulp and available in quince, apple,blackberry,blueberry, kiwi, apricot, sea buckthorn, gojiberry, mulberry, elderberry, cherry, mixed fruit, pineapple and orange flavors. Jelly is a clear, bright mixture made from fruit juice, sugar and sometimes pectin. Generally, people use jelly and jam as the bread spread and as a filling for some cakes and cookies.

Availability : Howthorne,Apple,Apricort, Elderberry,Gojiberry fruit

WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

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