Thursday, July 14, 2022

where to buy chrysanthemum cinerariifolium

This flower, the pyrethrum plant, contains a potent chemical that is made into an effective, and environmentally friendly, insecticide.

While pyrethrums can be planted from seed, they are most often propagated through transplants. These flowers are hardy from zones 3 to 7. They are planted in the spring after all danger of frost has past. Pyrethrums require rich, well drained soil to grow well.

Availability : 250,500,1000 seeds pkt
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705


Ginkgo Biloba: Nature’s Secret to a Sharper Mind

Ginkgo Biloba in Traditional Chinese Medicine: A 5,000-Year-Old Legacy " Ginkgo biloba has a long history of use in treating blood dis...